Switching Mortgage – All Gain for RSVP Lifestyle Editor

RSVP Lifestyle Editor Megan Martin writes a no-holds-barred account of the successful mortgage switch facilitated by the Irish Mortgage Corporation titled “Switching my mortgage was a painful process, but I saved a fortune“. Megan points out that the process is not “simple” and that is exactly why you should engage a mortgage broker life IMC.  There is nothing like a first-hand account to put perspective on something.  You can read the article in full here.

Asked about the article, IMC Director Liam O’Connor said: “Great article, especially in the context of how we are continuing to improve our systems and streamline processes – Megan is spot on when she says that nothing is simple, and that is definitely true of the mortgage process. I would say that is exactly why you need to use a mortgage expert such as IMC – we know exactly how the programme works, have an excellent relationship with the mortgage lenders, charge no fees to the client and have a fantastic track record to prove it!”

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