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Mortgage Calculators

Use these home mortgage calculators to help evaluate options and determine what your next steps should be in your home buying journey.

Affordability Calculator

Find out how much you can borrow on a home loan.

Mortgage Calculator

Find out how much you’ll pay monthly and annually on a home loan.

Remortgage Calculator

Find out your new payment amount if switching mortgages.

Lifetime Loan Calculator

Find out if gaining access to your home's equity makes sense for you.


Use these home mortgage guides to assist with your options and learn next steps in your home buying journey.

First Time Buyers Guide

A quick, comprehensive guide to walk you through the first time home buyer process in Ireland.

Remortgage Guide

Learn how switching mortgages can save you money with this fast and easy guide.

How to get a mortgage

Whether you’re buying your first home, switching your mortgage, or moving, this guide can help with top tips.

News & Insights

Our useful home mortgage calculators help you to evaluate your options to determine what your next steps should be in your home buying journey.

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Happy Irish family in new home in ireland thanks to best low rate mortgage from Irish Mortgage Corporation
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Selected Value: 150000
Selected Value: 350000